Thursday, February 7, 2008

RSS Feed

RSS is “Really simple syndication”. With RSS the users don’t need to come to your site or open your inbox to get about your latest updated news information. Only when once they subscribe to your “feed” they will get news automatically.

RSS is an XML based format originated by Netscape. First you need to create feed. “Feed” is a file, which you upload to your server. RSS feed is the extension of .xml and created by tools. RSS feeds need to include the headlines, links and summaries the content you want to distribute.

Once a feed has been created, other computers can subscribe to your "channel" and read your updates using what's called an "Aggregator" or "news reader." Most feeds consist of a link with a short summary to click on to read the entire article. To let people know your site offers an RSS feed, you place an orange XML icon on your site linked to the URL of your feed. You'll also want to list your feed with various RSS search engines that exist just for the purpose of collecting a database of feeds.

When you make any changes, any updates in your site, automatically the updates occurs in your feed. So, you need not to be update your RSS feed. It become update automatically.

The disadvantages are that you cannot include personalization, and you have no way of knowing how many people are subscribing to your feed. Also, at this time, RSS may seem a bit complicated to the novice user and it has not become widely adopted by Web users.

But RSS is the important technology as another avenue for reaching out to your website visitors, and keeping them informed.

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